GAS App Terms & Conditions






Last updated: 15 November 2024 

1. Licence 

1.1 Gasoline Alley Services Limited ("g.a.s.") licenses the use of the g.a.s. application (the "App")  to you on the terms below. 

1.2 You have a non-exclusive licence to use the App but g.a.s. retains all other legal rights including title to the App and all related intellectual property. 

1.3 Not all payment options, features or services offered through the App will necessarily be  available to all users and at all g.a.s. sites or at all hours of the day or night. 

1.4 g.a.s. may change the format, content, or function of all or any part of the App at any time. 

1.5 Maintenance and/or updates to the App may be required from time to time. Depending on  the maintenance or update required, you may not be able to access or use all or any part of  the App until such maintenance is completed or update downloaded.  

2. Using the App 

2.1 When you set up your account for the App, you will need to have an internet-enabled,  eligible mobile device with a New Zealand mobile number. When accessing your App  account, you will be required to enter the mobile number associated with your account. You  will receive a One Time Password (“OTP”) verification code via text and will be required to  enter the OTP verification code to access the App. 


2.2 g.a.s. may impose any security measures it deems appropriate for the App at any time and  may update and add security measures to the App at any time in its discretion.


2.3 You will be responsible for all purchases made and/or authorised through the App,  including where authorisation has been made by fingerprint stored on your device’s touch  ID features, or using biometric and other forms of identification. g.a.s. is under no obligation  to verify that any authorisation was made by you personally and g.a.s. is not liable for any  loss or damage arising from g.a.s.’ reliance on your authorisation. 

2.4 You must ensure that: 

(a) Your details are kept up-to-date and current at all times; 

(b) No other person uses your account at any time; 

(c) No other person has access to your OTP verification codes or any other means of  accessing your account through the App, which must be kept secret and secure by  you; 

(d) Your account is only logged in on one device at any given time; and

(e) g.a.s. is informed immediately of your device being stolen or lost, your access method  being compromised or if any unauthorised person accesses your account at any time. 

2.5 Some functions of the App require an internet connection. g.a.s. does not take responsibility  for the App not working at full functionality if you do not have access to the internet.  

2.6 If you are using the App outside of any area with wi-fi, the terms of the agreement with your  mobile network provider will still apply. You may be charged by your mobile network  provider for the cost of the data for the duration of the connection while accessing the App,  or other third-party charges, including roaming data charges if you use the App outside of  your home territory (i.e. region or country) without turning off data roaming, 

2.7 If you are not the bill payer for the device you are using to access the App, you must have  received permission from the bill payer to use the App. 

3. Permissible Uses 

3.1 You may use the App on your own device solely for your own use. 

3.2 When using the App to pay for the purchase of fuel, you must do so: (a) Inside a g.a.s. service station; or 

(b) Inside your fully enclosed vehicle;  

and at all times in strict accordance with such health, safety and other rules that g.a.s. may  stipulate from time to time. 

3.3 You must not: 

(a) Use the App to supply services to others; or 

(b) Modify or decompile the App unless permitted under the Copyright Act 1994 provided  that if you are permitted and wish to do so, and only then after first contacting g.a.s.,  which will use its reasonable endeavours to make a suitable version of the App  available for your permitted use subject to such reasonable terms as g.a.s. may  require; or 

(c) Use the App in relation to purchasing fuel for your vehicle if: 

(i) You have not yet reached sixteen years of age; or 

(ii) Your vehicle is not stationary and switched off at the time of use; or 

(iii) The vehicle to be filled is a motorbike; or 

(iv) You are using a container that is not safe or approved by g.a.s. for the storage  of fuel; or 

(v) You are not in one of the locations listed at clause 3.2(a) or 3.2(b); or 

(vi) You are on the forecourt (i.e. outside of your vehicle) of any g.a.s. service station  or site when using the App. 

4. Term 

4.1 This licence is effective until terminated.

4.2 You may terminate it at any time by deleting the App from your device.

4.3 g.a.s. may terminate the licence immediately at any time with or without notice to you. 

4.4 On termination of this licence, you agree to delete the App and all copies of it from your  devices immediately. 

5. Payment for fuel 

5.1 To use the App to pay for fuel at participating g.a.s. retailers, you must add at least one  current credit or debit card or other payment method that is accepted for use with the App  ("Payment Card"). 

5.2 Some Payment Cards may not be accepted at particular g.a.s. sites.

5.3 g.a.s. will have no access to the details of any Payment Cards entered by you. 

5.4 Details about your Payment Cards will be collected, stored and processed by Windcave, which is the provider contracted to process transactions through the App. Please  contact for details about the security of your Payment Card  information. 

5.5 When you add a Payment Card to the App, a pre-authorisation hold of $1.00 will be placed  on the Payment Card. 

5.6 When you use a Payment Card to pay for fuel through the App, a pre-authorisation hold will  be placed on your Payment Card or bank account. The amount of the hold will be as follows: 

(a) Where you have chosen to pay for a specific dollar value of fuel, the hold will be equal  to the dollar value of fuel selected; and 

(b) Where you have not chosen to pay for a specific dollar value of fuel then, in line with  your Payment Card terms and conditions, the pre-authorisation hold will be for an  amount of $250.00 or such other amounts as individual sites may require. 

(c) After the transaction is completed, your bank will release the hold. 

5.7 If you do not have sufficient funds available to meet the authorisation hold then either: (a) You may not be able to proceed with the transaction; or 

(b) You will only be able to purchase fuel for the dollar value that your bank or Payment  Card issuer confirms. 

5.8 You acknowledge that: 

(a) You understand that a pre-authorisation hold puts a temporary hold on the funds that  would otherwise be available using your Payment Card until such time as the  transaction has cleared; and 

(b) g.a.s. has no power to influence the length of time it takes your bank or Payment Card  issuer to release any pre-authorisation hold against your Payment Card; and 

(c) Attempting to make payment with a Payment Card multiple times during one  transaction may result in multiple pre-authorisation holds being placed on your  Payment Card.

5.9 If your Payment Card has expired, frozen, cancelled or cannot be used for any other reason,  you will not be able to use it to complete the transaction. 

5.10 BP Fuelcard, Fleetcard or any other fuelcards cannot be used as a method of payment in  the App.  

5.11 Physical g.a.s. gift cards or any other gift cards cannot be used as a method of payment in  the App.  

6. Fuel Shout! 

6.1 You may use the App to purchase a Fuel Shout! to provide another user (the “Recipient”) of  the App with an electronic gift card to provide them with a credit to purchase fuel using the  App.  

6.2 To purchase a Fuel Shout! you will need to enter the mobile phone number of the Recipient,  enter the amount you would like to gift, and pay that amount to g.a.s. through the App. 


6.3 The Recipient will be sent a text notification that they have a Fuel Shout! The Recipient can  only redeem, access, or otherwise use the Fuel Shout! to purchase fuel through the App. 


6.4 If the Recipient does not: 

(a) download the App and/or redeem their Fuel Shout!; or  

(b) completely use the full balance of the Fuel Shout! credit 

within one year of the purchase, the Fuel Shout! or the remaining balance thereof will expire  and will irrevocably become the property of g.a.s. and neither you nor the Recipient will have  any claim in respect of this.  

6.5 If you change your phone number and have valid Fuel Shout! credit saved in the App, g.a.s. may, at its discretion, have your credit transferred to your new account.  

6.6 If you wish to delete the App from your phone and have valid Fuel Shout! credit available,  g.a.s. may, at its discretion, transfer the credit to a physical g.a.s. gift card and send the gift  card to a nominated New Zealand address that is agreeable to both parties.  

7. Linking your Everyday Rewards account in the App 

7.1 You can use your App account to create a digital instance of your Everyday Rewards card  by linking your existing Everyday Rewards account in the App (“g.a.s. Everyday Rewards  barcode”). Your g.a.s. Everyday Rewards barcode can be used in-store or in the App at  Everyday Rewards participating g.a.s. retailers. Once your App account is linked with your  Everyday Rewards account, your Everyday Rewards fuel discounts will automatically apply  when purchasing fuel using the Pay-in-car functionality within the App. Any points available  to you in-store (if any) will be applied to your Everyday Rewards account when scanning  your g.a.s. Everyday Rewards barcode in-store. 

7.2 If your linked Everyday Rewards account is de-activated or cancelled, your Everyday  Rewards barcode may not work in the App. 

7.3 The Everyday Rewards programme terms and conditions (“Everyday Rewards Terms”)  apply to your g.a.s. Everyday Rewards barcode. For example, you will earn and use Everyday  Rewards fuel discounts, points and vouchers in accordance with the Everyday Rewards  Terms. If there is any inconsistency with these Terms of Use and the Everyday Rewards  Terms, then the Everyday Rewards Terms will take precedence. 

7.4 If you link your Everyday Rewards account to your App account:

(a) you must keep your original physical or digital Everyday Rewards Card. Your g.a.s. Everyday Rewards barcode is only available for use at participating g.a.s. sites and is  not able to be used at any other retailers that may participate in the Everyday Rewards  programme; and 

(b) your App account may be used to notify you of g.a.s. Everyday Rewards fuel  discounts, points and offers applicable to you at the time of the notification. However,  the fuel discount, points offers or vouchers displayed in the App at any time may not  reflect all offers available to you at that time. 

7.5 You cannot redeem $15 Everyday Rewards vouchers when paying in-store for items  excluded from earning points – this includes pumped AdBlue, tobacco, vape and epay  products and gift cards. Other items may also be excluded. 

8. Third party terms  

8.1 g.a.s. may use third party applications, services and software in the App, including, but not  limited to, payment services, location and map services software, market analytics software,  market intelligence software, and rewards program software (including but not limited to  Everyday Rewards), all of which may gather and report information about you in connection  with your use of the App (such as location information, device information and user content). 

8.2 When you use the App, you are agreeing to g.a.s.’ use of such third-party software and  services, and to g.a.s. receiving from and disclosing to those third parties such personal information about you as required by those third party for their software and services. You  are also agreeing to any applicable terms of use, licenses, or privacy policies related to such  third-party software and services. 

8.3 It is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with any related third-party terms,  including the third-party privacy policies notified to you in g.a.s.’ Privacy Statement, and that  you are aware of any third-party privacy policies that may apply to you, in conjunction with  these Terms of Use. A breach of any such terms of use, licenses, or privacy policies will be  deemed a breach of these Terms of Use. 

9. Limited warranty 

9.1 The App is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including,  but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular  purpose. g.a.s. does not warrant that the functions contained in the App will meet your  requirements or that the operation of the App will be uninterrupted or error-free. The entire  risk as to the quality and performance of the App and any data use generates is with you. 

10. Limitations of remedies 

10.1 If you are acquiring the App for business purposes, the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 does  not apply. Otherwise, the exclusions of liability in this licence do not affect your rights under  that Act or under any other law that applies to this licence.


10.2 g.a.s. is providing the App to you on an ‘as is’ basis and you are using the App at your own  risk. To the extent permitted by law, all warranties and conditions whether express, implied  or statutory with respect to the App are excluded. 

10.3 Under no circumstances will g.a.s. be liable to you for any damages, including any special,  incidental, indirect or consequential damages, or loss of profit, revenue or data, arising out  of having the App installed on your device, the use or inability to use the App, any damage  caused by the App, or in connection with these terms and conditions even if g.a.s. has been  advised in advance that such damages may arise.

11. Privacy 

11.1 Please refer to g.a.s.’ Privacy Statement (“Privacy Statement”) for the terms on which we will  collect, store and use personal information in connection with the App. 

11.2 Agreement to the Privacy Statement is a condition of your using the App. By using the App,  you confirm your acceptance of the Privacy Statement. 

12. General 

12.1 g.a.s. may modify, vary or change these terms and/or the terms of the Privacy Statement at  any time by posting such modified, varied or changed terms to its website, which will take  effect from the time they are posted. g.a.s. may make other efforts to draw your attention to any new terms, but it is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of the current terms  when using the App. 

12.2 This licence will be governed by and construed under the laws of New Zealand. 

12.3 Failure or delay by g.a.s. in enforcing any right or provision of the licence is not to be deemed  a waiver of such provision or right with respect to the breach. 

12.4 If any provision of this licence is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to  law, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the remaining  provisions of this licence will remain in full force and effect. 

12.5 You may not assign, transfer or sublicense this licence except as expressly provided n this  licence. 

12.6 The ability to download the App from Apple Inc’s App Store, Google Play, or any other app  store provider is in no way an endorsement by that provider of g.a.s. the App or its content.

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