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Instant Discounts

 New GAS Instant Discounts is here!


It's the fast, easy, convenient way to pay and save

Enjoy our 8 cents per litre off fuel at all participating GAS Petrol Service Stations nationwide when you spend $40 or more on fuel (up to 50 litres).

This offer is available from 00:00 until 23:59 today.

GAS' new loyalty programme,

"Instant Discounts"

is available now on the GAS App!


For clever Kiwis on the move.

Simply click on the App Store or Google Play buttons below and you’ll be saving in no time.

Once you have downloaded the GAS App, a membership number will automatically be assigned to you - you’ll instantly become an Instant Discounts loyalty member!

Don't worry, if you don't have a smartphone or don't want to use an app, pop in-store and pick-up a GAS Instant Discounts loyalty card.

Note, registration isn't immediate. Please allow one working day for GAS to complete the registration for you.

Terms & Conditions:

Today’s 15 cents discount offer is available for a limited time and may be subject to change without notice. This offer requires a minimum spend of $40 or more on petrol or diesel; up to 50L.

Offer is available at participating GAS outlets available from 00:00 until 23:59 each day (trading hours for individual GAS sites will vary).

Instant Discounts is an instant redemption loyalty programme; it does not accumulate, save or stack discounts. If you are unable to download the GAS App, please go in-store and ask for a GAS Instant Discounts card.

Register your card by going to the GAS website Only GAS App users may receive extra discounts, on top of what is advertised on the pump. GAS Instant Discounts is not available on outdoor payment terminals, you must download GAS App and purchase your fuel using the app’s Pay-in-Car functionality.

Instant Discounts is not available when purchasing fuel using BP Fuelcard or any other fleet card. Countdown, Fresh Choice, Supervalue or any other supermarket discount vouchers are not accepted at GAS Petrol Service Stations.

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